LiveCity brings together leading telecoms providers, SMEs, local government agencies and research institutions from across Europe to develop and test new Internet right-of-way technologies. The basic premise of the project is to provide a virtual path throughout the Internet that will allow for fast, reliable, interactive data transfer with a guaranteed quality of service. LiveCity will add to this technical base by using the right-of-way technologies to deliver reliable video-to-video services across Europe.
LiveCity will develop the underlying technologies, APIs and range of test beds to showcase this new technology. The project has a distinct industry flavour that will result in the development of key performance indicators that will be used to validate the underlying technologies and test beds that are provided.
Our Role in Luxembourg
In Luxembourg we are developing the Twin Cities platform which lets any two cities or venues such as museums that are twinned set up joint exhibits. For example people at two remote museums can play games together which feature relevant contents via multi-touch tables and a live video feed. The approach is designed to break down traditional barriers between towns, museums and other venues through the power of sharing content and play.
The project will create a living lab that will operate between Athens and Luxembourg that will be live for around one year starting in mid 2013. From a research perspective researchers at SnT will be exploring the human-computer interaction aspects of the system.
Project partners: OTE (Co-ordinator), Magnet Networks, Foundacion Cartif, Red Zinc, Scoil Cholmcille, Brunel University, Universite du Luxembourg, Telefonica O2 Ireland, Deutsche Telekom, Quartzspark, Dimos Vrilission, Ayuntamiento de Valladoilid, One Source, Health Service Executive.
Project duration: 01.05.2014 - 16.07.2014.