Luxembourg IPv6 Council

The New Internet

Future Trends of the Internet
28 January 2009

Getting there


Luxembourg IPv6 Council

Mission Statement
Supporting Organizations
Luxembourg IPv6 Roadmap

First Council Meeting

Getting There
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Thomas Engel: Abstract

How to save lives with IPv6 — u2010 and other strategic European projects

In a very short time, Luxembourg University has pioneered and executed a number of strategic EU-funded projects where the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) plays a major role. The first results and showcases from these projects will be highlighted in this talk.

The u2010 project, together with its Luxembourg-based partners (HITECH, EPT, M-Plify, CCG, Telindus and NSN) and its European partners, was the first to clearly validate the use and value of IPv6 in an emergency and disaster risk management scenario where life saving is at stake and communication should just work on the fly. The educational and experimental components are a great lesson to learn and these lessons will be transferred through the Luxembourg IPv6 Council to the various stakeholders to design their transition plans and deployment scenarios.

"ThomasEngelAbs" is mentioned on: AgendaLfICT

© 2009 University of Luxembourg.

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