Luxembourg IPv6 Council

The New Internet

Future Trends of the Internet
28 January 2009

Getting there


Luxembourg IPv6 Council

Mission Statement
Supporting Organizations
Luxembourg IPv6 Roadmap

First Council Meeting

Getting There
Public Transport Links


Home Page

Carlo Simon: Biography

Head, Centre de communications du Gouvernement

Carlo Simon, Lt-Colonel, is head of the Government Communication Centre of Luxembourg and chairman of the National Committee on Telecommunications; both organizations are focused on preparedness for emergencies and crises. He represents the government in the U-2010 and IRMA research projects, dealing with emergency preparedness and risk management. The CCG is part of the ”Présidence du Gouvernement, Ministère d’Etat”. Currently, the CCG chairs the “Comité National des Télécommunications” (CONATEL).

"CarloSimonBio" is mentioned on: AgendaLfICT | PanelistsLfICT | SpeakersLfICT

© 2009 University of Luxembourg.

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