Rump session

1. Antoine Joux, "BAR".

2. Greg Rose, "CAcert (a free certification auth.)".

3. Ralph-Philipp Weinmann, "Sage: open source math software (also) for cryptanalysis".

4. Ralph-Philipp Weinmann, "iPhone crypto".

5. Orr Dunkelman, "What is the best attack?".

6. D.J. Bernstein, "ChaCha20".

7. D.J. Bernstein, "On the high order nonlinearity of the inverse functions".

8. Claude Carlet, "MAC 1271".

9. A. Boscher, Helena Handschuh, "Masking does not protect against fault attacks".

10. Dmitry Khovratovich, "How to seat the guests".

(C) 2007 University of Luxembourg

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