Exposing the Features in IP version Six protocols that can be
exploited/extended for the purposes of designing/building autonomic Networks and Services

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EFIPSANS Dissemination Workshop, 16 May, Budapest

Date and Time: Monday 16th of May 2011, 13:00-17:00

Buffet after the event 


NIH (National Innovation Office), Budapest, Hungary

H-1117, Neumann Janos utca 1/c. 


Registration: FREE



13.00-13.05 Welcome Vilmos Németh

13.05-13.15 Introduction Latif Ladid

Part I – Technical presentations

13.15-13.30 Future Internet scope Symeon Papavassiliou

13.30-13.45 IPv6 global deployment and transition Latif Ladid

13.45-14.00 Introducing autonomics in industry Tony Jokikyyny

14.00-14.15 The EFIPSANS approach Ranganai Chaparadza

Coffee break

Part II – Demonstrations14.30-14.45 Introduction Domonkos Asztalos


14:45-16:00 Demo scenarios Peter Benkö et. al.

Part III – Discussion

16:00-17:00 – Panel & discussions All


Online registration - Here

Download the Dissemination Workshop Agenda - Here